“To be the spirit of the Bay”


To enrich and champion our community through diversity, inclusion, and curiosity.


Inclusive (Caring) – Inclusive: We embrace diversity with respect, empathy, and care.

Inclusive to us is about promoting a community which is diverse, equal and caring.

We will test inclusiveness by standing in the shoes of others and looking at what we do through their eyes.

Respectful and considerate we will maintain an objective position; apolitical and non-judgmental – we will expect it of others.

Warm and welcoming is an expectation. We look out for one another – as simple as asking how someone is or helping others to find their way.

Resilience (Loyal) – Resilience: We embody our spirit with integrity, resolve and purpose.

Our resilience is based on a 60-year life with the Community – we are a constant with our members and draw on the best qualities of the spirit of ANZAC.

Loyalty has been built on our ability to adapt to change and our resolve to do what is right and do it well and stand by that resolve – the essence of resilience.

Forward-thinking – Forward-thinking: We evolve with curiosity, sustainability, accountability.

We are strategic in our thinking and always look to evolve by understanding present and future members’ needs – caring about excellence on the way.

When we think to the future, we will always be rigorous and responsible in the use of our members’ assets and funds and continually review how we do so.

We invest in our people, places and our systems to ensure our products and services are relevant to our future members In a sustainable way.

Become a member today!